East Lake rat control and raccoon trapping also squirrels opossums bats dead deer critters armadillos pigs and feral hogs.



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Serving East Lake Pinellas County, FL with humane critter removal 24 hrs a day and 7 days a week !

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East Lake in Pinellas County has a lot of wildlife. Neighborhoods Like East Lake Woodlands, Lansbrook, Ridgemoor and Crescent Oaks have lots of preserve areas that border Lake Tarpon on West side and Brooker Creek Preserve on the East side.

Peoples attics seem like a cozy nesting place. Trash cans and pet food are easy meals and swimming pools are convenient toilets and bathing spots.

As harmless as their intentions may be, some wildlife can be extremely destructive to your property. We specialize in East Lake rat control and raccoon trapping.

The Trapper Guy will come out and humanely remove the live animal from your property. I will fix the damage caused and make preventative measures so they won't return.

With proper wildlife control we can co-exist with our wild neighbors.


* 24 hour services are for emergencies only. Live animal in a living area where safety of the occupants is in question is considered an emergency.


East Lake, FL news

Deer eating your landscape? Here is advice to stop them.

Sunde Farquhar,Patch Staff
Posted Wed, Aug 22, 2012 at 1:31 pm ET

We probably see more deer up here in East Lake than any other part of Pinellas County. Brooker's Creek Preserve and the Tarpon Springs Watershed provide an abundant amount of plants for deer to much on. Deer often also make their way into the yards of East Lake residents.

So, what do you do if you love looking at wildlife in your back yard, but hate the fact that deer eat your landscaping?

Pam Brown from the Friends of Brooker Creek Preserve lives in the East Lake area. She says she never realized how big of a problem deer can be until she moved here.

"I put some new plants in my yard, and I put some hawthorn by my front door. When I had piles of deer poop right by my front door, thought, 'OK, these plants have to go,' " she said.

Since then, Brown has added certain plants in her landscaping that are very pretty, but also discourage deer from grazing.

Brown has the following suggestions for keeping deer away-

  • Do not plant landscaping that deer consider "candy."
  • Choose resistant plants.
  • Don't replace damaged plants with like kind plants.
  • Use native plants and wildflowers in your landscaping.
  • Be willing to share with wildlife.

If you're wondering what "deer candy" is, do you have your own favorite treats, like candy? Deer have their own favorites, too. Brown calls these plants "deer candy." These are plants that you will not want to plant if you are trying to prevent deer from grazing on your landscaping.

"Deer Candy" Plants-

  • Impatiens
  • Indian Hawthorn
  • Hibiscus
  • Arboricola
  • Roses
  • Portulaca
  • Agapanthus

As for plants to consider including in your landscaping, Brown has found that deer will not eat certain plants.

Deer Resistant Plants

  • Palms
  • Native Grasses
  • Yaupon Holly
  • Viburnum
  • Ligustrum
  • Croton
  • Coreopsis
  • Society Garlic
  • Holly Fern
  • Gardenia
  • Petunia
  • Verbena
  • Plumbago

Brown also says that deer eat a wide variety of plants and will try new plants they've never eaten if they are hungry. Deer will eat almost everything except native grasses. Deer also chew twigs of deciduous trees.

Other wildlife that can also cause landscaping damage according to Brown. These wildlife include rabbits, armadillos, squirrels, voles and raccoons. 




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East Lake Licensed and insured nuisance wildlife trapper. Let me help you with your  rat control     


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The Trapper Guy is not a pest control company. I do not use poisons or service bugs..




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Trapping services in East Lake Woodlands, Lansbrook, Ridgemoor and Crescent Oaks.